I received a phal in the mail that only had two tiny roots, so i stuck it in sphag and bag, and initially must've left it in too much light because it sprouted a leaf instead of a root... fine, i moved it to a more shady area... and the new tiny leaf rotted off (the crown looks ok, kind of crusty but not mushy, not soft). the plant has 2 roots about an inch each so i stuck it in S/H in a drafty window.
My question was would it make new leaves if the one it made before rotted off ??
Did the new leaf rot off or shrivel? If a new leaf rotted, I'd be worried about crown rot. If the crown is fine, it should eventually give more new leaves.
well I'd say it will be ok, BUT still check on it really closely for crown rot, if not affected by it, well, then as everyone said, you should be getting leaves.
If roots is what you want, perhaps you could use a little KLN to get things going
Right after typing that my phal has two big leaves it lost one in the sink. the second one fell off over the weekend. now i have two roots and a dry "crown rotted" stump. Any way to recover this? thiomyl? should i just sigh and toss?
Cure the crown rot with liberal doses of hydrogen peroxide making sure to remove the excess moisture afterwards and keep sphag-in-bagging. It might recover, it might not.