Originally Posted by VickiC
Hi everyone,
I've mounted 3 orchids recently for the first time, but I don't know how long I should leave the spag that I placed under and over the roots on the mounts, or do I remove it at all  ....I know that eventually it will fall off of the mount on it's own (at least I think it will....surely) but I'm clueless if I should wait for that to happen, or not. ?? I really would appreciate it if someone won't mind helping me with my question.
Hi Vicki,
I use spag on my mounts too. Esp when first mounted. As they grow their roots and adjust to the mount you can gently remove the extra spag. If the mount seems to retain too much moisture you might have to remove some to. I find that I like growing mine with just enough to dry out daily or every other day. We have been having afternoon rains here lately so I'll have to do some moving or removing since some guys are not drying enough

Catts esp. need to dry out. I leave the spag that the roots grow around alone. It gives the chid a moisture source. Good luck with your mounts.
I know you'll get lots of help from others. You might post a few pictures so we can get a better idea of how much spag you have on the mounts.