Originally Posted by priz_m
Hi Niki! is great to know your phal recovered fine
keep us posted on the other 'chid though
 with the s/h
Thanks! I'm hoping that since the other Phal is showing new growth, it'll quickly adjust to the new medium. I'm sterlizing my scissors now and then I'll pull it out of the pot, trim the roots back, and pot it.
I will keep you all posted on the other 'chid. I'm really thinking about bringing it back, because I really wanted another Tiger Crow Golden girl (that was the original one I had). And they didn't have any left. but, I'm hesitant to take it back because the location I got the original orchid from gave me such crap for returning it (even though the receipt says that orchids are gaurenteed for 30 days) and I know they'll have a fit if I bring the new one back and say that people I know who grow orchids say that it could be fungus and that I want another one. But, I don't want to lose the new one....you know?
The only good thing about all of this, is that through the experience of trying to find orchind food and Phylum (sp) 20, and KLN, and S/H medium, I found this amazing orchid nursary where I will be purchasing all the rest of my 'chids from. They know what they're doing...they've done S/H, they know Ray, and their orchids look like they're in amazing condition.