Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow
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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow
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Old 06-18-2008, 05:16 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Sorry Niki, I forget not everyone knows what the abbreviations mean. CHC = coconut husk chunks and S/H = semi hydroponic. For more info on S/H visit that forum or First Rays Orchids. Ray carries S/H supplies as well as MSU fert.
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Old 06-18-2008, 05:27 PM
Niki Niki is offline

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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow


Thanks for the clarification! No problem about the acronyns, I'm used to them. I just haven't learned the orchid lingo yet.

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Old 06-18-2008, 05:31 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by Niki View Post
I noticed some black spots on the leaves and read that this indicates that the plant is receiving too much sunlight, so I moved it back from the windows (it still get light, it's just now not directly in the light) several weeks ago.

I also noticed that the puedo blubs were shriveled, which I read means that it's not getting enough water. That website recc. that I allow the pot to sit in a litte bit of water. For the last two waterings, I watered the plant and let the base sit in about 1/4 inch water for two days and then drained the water away.

The brand new psuedo bulb that's coming up looks great, with no shrivels.

Then, somepoint during all of this moving of the plant and watering changes, I noticed that the leaves on the smaller psuedo blubs have started turning yellow, which concerns me. (note that the leaves on the new psuedo blub look great, as do the leaves on the large psuedo blub)

So, am I watering it too much? Is it not getting enough light? (Should I move it again)? Any suggestions?

Lastly, my cat somehow got into the bathroom (where I keep my orchids to insure high humidity) and ate the tips of a few leaves. The ones she ate off of have all turned yellow and died, but I assumed this was due to her munching on them. But now one of the non-munched on leaves is having the same problem, I worry that prehaps the dying of the other leaves may not have been due to her.

Any suggestions and/or advice?

Also, what kind of fertilizer would you recc. for this orchid?

Thank you so much!!

Hi Niki! Sorry to jump in late! A couple points though, that others haven't responded to:

<I noticed some black spots on the leaves and read that this indicates that the plant is receiving too much sunlight, so I moved it back from the windows (it still get light, it's just now not directly in the light) several weeks ago.>

The black spots are not a result of too much light but from spraying the leaves with water. The Oncidium Class orchids do not like spraying leaves with water of any sort. Just a heads-up. Move the plant back into the higher light. They really like high light (just short of full equator-class sunlight. Ful sun in latitudes north of 45 degrees is OK.

<I also noticed that the puedo blubs were shriveled, which I read means that it's not getting enough water. That website recc. that I allow the pot to sit in a litte bit of water. For the last two waterings, I watered the plant and let the base sit in about 1/4 inch water for two days and then drained the water away. >

As for this, Ray also responded. While you don't want Oncidiums sitting in water for more than 10 minutes max., you also don' want to let then dry down too much either. I find (for me) every 3-4 days watering is fine. Not all the psuedobulbs will be plump, ever. The only plump (smooth) psuedobulbs will be the latest ones to develope and then only while they are developing. The rest of the time they will have pleats up and down along the pseudobulbs. Some of the intergenerics will show a different pattern almost like shrivelling.

<Then, somepoint during all of this moving of the plant and watering changes, I noticed that the leaves on the smaller psuedo blubs have started turning yellow, which concerns me. (note that the leaves on the new psuedo blub look great, as do the leaves on the large psuedo blub)>

If the leaves you are referring to are toward the back of the plant (the part furthest back from the latest bulb) then all is well. Once an orchid starts growing new growths, it often starts dropping old back leaves because they are no longer needed for plant maintenance. A picture might help here with this point.

<Lastly, my cat somehow got into the bathroom (where I keep my orchids to insure high humidity) and ate the tips of a few leaves. The ones she ate off of have all turned yellow and died, but I assumed this was due to her munching on them. But now one of the non-munched on leaves is having the same problem, I worry that prehaps the dying of the other leaves may not have been due to her. >

Do you have any recipes for cooked cat? Sorry couldn't resist. I don't ave cats because of the plants (I love cats and I love other people's cats even more!)
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Old 06-18-2008, 06:01 PM
Niki Niki is offline

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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow


I am kicking myself for letting the plant sit in water overnight (per another website I found specifically for care of Tiger Crow Golden Girl). But, I had it on a plate, and the water level was less than 1/4 inch, so it's not as if the whole pot was sitting in water.

I have just moved it back into full sun.

My camera battery is finally back up...

Here is a close up of the old pseudo blubs. One of the bare bulbs had the leave on it from my mayham maker muncher cat, and the other one turned yellow and fell off all by itself. In this picture you can also see a closeup of the old large psuedo bulb that the flowers came out of....the larger leaves all around this have started to turn yellow and fall off, leaving just the interior.

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Old 06-18-2008, 06:06 PM
Niki Niki is offline

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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow

Here's a full view of the plant, and I need to retake the pic of the new bulb, because it's too blury.

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Old 06-18-2008, 06:18 PM
caseydoll caseydoll is offline
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Hi Niki! I'm not too experienced with your type of orchid so I can't offer too much advice. I just wanted to add that I think the perfect time to repot is now. It's done blooming and it gives you a chance to look at the roots to see whats going on. Everyone feels differently about this but I just like to get it done with. Too many bad things have happened to me. Like discovering my orchids had no roots left or very few. I've even repotted some that had good bark on top and pretty much dirt underneath. Just my Hope that helps a little.
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Old 06-18-2008, 06:18 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Mine all look like that! I think you are fine.
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Old 06-18-2008, 06:31 PM
Niki Niki is offline

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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow


Seriously? Yours all look like that? that's great news!!

So the little bald bulbs are okay?

Do you agree with Sarah that I should repot? Do you repot in a similar type of soil that Terri uses?

I love my cats, but have been saddened by all the plants that I cannot have because of them. We have three cats, but only one is a muncher. She leaves the Phals alone, but loves anything leafy, so she's already killed my bambo plants and is now working on the Odon. We have to keep the bathroom door closed so that she can't munch on it.

She's truely adorable, but is really a mayham maker.

I took a another pic of the new bulb before I saw your post, so I'll include them anyway.

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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow-psuedo-blubs-growth-jpg   Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow-psuedo-blubs-growth-2-jpg  
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Old 06-19-2008, 02:34 AM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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It looks just fine Niki! Nothing to worry about.

You're going to think I'm a repotting maniac but I agree with Sarah. Now is the perfect time. I just repotted three brand new Phals (2 in spike) from a reputable vendor and found to my dismay that they had merely put new bark on top to spiff them up some and that half the roots were rotted in the center of a pot filled with rotten sphag moss and some bark as old as Moses. So, the moral of the story....it never hurts to repot and check out what's going on with the roots. Better to sacrifice flowers for one growing season than the whole plant forever.
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:41 AM
Niki Niki is offline

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Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' with leaves turning yellow

Is there anything i should be especially careful with when i repot? Any tricks/advice about how to detangle the roots from the old potting soil? I've heard you're supposed to keep the new soil dry (not water it) for a couple of weeks...do you guys agree with this?

And what size up should I repot to? Should I buy a clear pot so I can see the roots?

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leaves, light, noticed, psuedo, water, yellow, girl, tiger, crow, golden, odontocidium

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