Phal Advice Needed
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Old 07-24-2008, 11:22 AM
JennS JennS is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Here is my I am no Phal expert as mine generally just grow new roots and leaves, but at least they are healthy!

Anyway, it looks like you are doing a great job caring for your Phal. I am a bit confused over your last comment about the spaghnum because I thought you repotted and removed all the spag? Anyway, if you repot you should make sure to remove all or as much as possible of the old medium. I usually soak my plants a bit before repotting to soften the roots so they don't get damaged in repotting. Also, soaking the bark (as someone else mentioned) is helpful in getting it to absorb more and to place it a little better in the pot. As long as you didn't trim off healthy roots, the plant is probably just adjusting to it's new surroudings.

As for the flowers, it seems that they just are getting old and ending their cycle. A yellowing leave sounds normal. The growth cycle should start shortly so the lost leave will be replaced anyway. It is a matter of personal preference to cut the spike all the way back immediately or to cut it down a few nodes and hope for more flowers. For me, I have never gotten more flowers, so rather then confuse the plant, I just cut the spike.

Also, remember that bark will dry out much faster then spag, especially new bark. You can use a pencil or finger to check halfway down for dampness. Clay pots are also more porous then plastic so that will speed up drying time a bit too.

You should be fine keeping the plant on the tray of pebbles, as long as the bottom of the pot is out of the water. The cay seems to absorb even the slightest bit of water which is pretty noticeable because the pot will be darker at the bottom. If you have it on the tray you can decrease misting. My house is very dry so I still mist some mornings and leave them on the trays, but the water is very shallow so they are usually dried up by the end of the day.

As for fertilizing, I am not really sure, but others said to lay off for a couple weeks, so that is probably a good idea. After that you can resume the regular schedule of weekly, weakly.

I think the other ?s were already addressed, but feel free to ask more. You seem to be doing a great job though!
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blooms, color, plant, pot, spikes, advice, phal

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