I need some orchid advice. I've been growing my orchid collection and they seem to do fine (when I ignore them or go out of town I return to find baby plants or blooms). I just don't know what to do after the bloom cycle.
With my first one, I left most of the stem and soon after it produced a keiki. Then soon after it produced another flower branch. I want to repot it to better soil.
With my second one, I left the stem alone and more blooms recently came from a secondary shoot off the main stem.
How do I take off the keiki? I think it is taking all of the energy from the mother plant now and it is large enough to remove. Do i just remove it from the stem or do I cut off the stem and plant that with it?
Are the side shoots anything special or do I need to remove them?
How far down do I cut the main stem after the plant has flowered, and do I need to wait for a time to repot after this has been done?
Attached are photos of my first plant. It needs a better pot/soil (which I have purchased) and it had some sunburn issues last year, but now it is growing new roots and seems to be healthy.
Any advice would be great!