Originally Posted by kavanaru
and here my two cents: if you are interested in wild orchids and find any, please don't cut or collect them as you did with the Lathyrus in your pictures!!! Wild orchids are protected and should not be cut or collected from the wild!!! Take pictures in situ 
i understand your concern. the batch i cut from was quite large! but as you may have read, i am hoping to preserve as many delicate species as possible. BUT THE LAND I"M SEARCHING IS SLATED FOR CLEARING! If I don't search it, all specimines will be lost anyway. So, in large quantities/groups, where only a small piece is being removed, I HAVE NO GUILT! In smaller groups (less than 100) I will probably be removing only the picture! Unless properly identified and relocated. If being relocated, i will be looking for compatible habitat. I already have a living osprey next in my collection/protection.
The sad part is that there are so many species that flower during different times of the year, it is difficult to be able to 'work'. Your help is MUCH APPRECIATED!
dr. d.