I guess I'm getting confused. Is KLN used only once in the potting routine or is it used in subsequent watering/feedings? If the latter, when does one know to stop.
If used during repotting at the repotting strength (1 tsp per gallon water) then you'd do this once. If you want to follow up with use during ferilization (just to encourage new and vigorous rooting) then 1 or 2 drops per gallon are plenty.
Can you overdo the use of KLN?
What would/could happen?
Don't know the answer, but I use KLN 2 drops per gal, every watering. Very good results (lots of new roots - which I consider good) so far. Maybe Ray will chime in here.
Anyone knows how long each dose has an effect on the plants root growth?
Should we space out our doses for best effect?
Does it stay active in the tissue?
How long?
Are the hormones absorbed by the foliage or just the root system?
I understand that the hormones degrade rapidly when exposed to heat and light... is it better to apply to roots at night to give it longer time to be absorbed into the tissue?
The rooting hormones are very transient, as they are degraded by warmth and sunlight.
Expose a plant to them in fresh form, and they "kick" the plant into action. In a matter of hours - if not minutes - and they are not longer effective.