Thanks Ray, that was sort of my thought too. I moved it to a more shady spot on my north west facing porch.
LOL Bodacious, we don't have cellars in Miami, Florida! If you dig down more than a foot you hit solid limestone, not to mention the water table. Thanks for the suggestions though, if they look worse next week I might try tenting it.
Lene I liked the idea of putting the whole pot in a bag too since I just repotted it in very good draining medium.
I might try that idea too.
Actually today my mom, who is not very good with orchids yet, brought over a root rotted phal thats in worse condition then mine, so mine doesn't look as bad to me anymore and I think it's going to me ok. My mom's might need a trip to the Orchid ER though. Actually I'm not sure if she overwatered it or just over fertilized it. I asked her how much food she was giving it and she said she puts about half a teaspoon full of fertilizer in a 2 quart tupperware container, fills it with water, and lets the orchid sit in that for 10 minutes. I use the same fertilizer and I put half a teaspoon in two GALLONS of water and then i pour it on and let drain. So yeah I think she was pretty much burning up it's roots. Thankfully she left it with me so I can try and save it becuase it was a really really nice big retired breeding plant from a local specialty hybridizer (Baldan's Orchids), and It would be an aweful shame to loose it.