excellent!! I hear clouds is a great grower, and that their plants are fantastic. This is my first order online, so I am very excited!! I used a "vanilla mastercard", which is pre-paid, similar to a gift card, though it can be used online. Some people say they can't use it online, so well see. fingers crossed!!
The cym. I purchased was a large seedling. its my first cym so if it dies (knock on wood)

, its better losing 10$ on a seedling than 30$ on a blooming sized one!!
Your sanderera must have been from the same batch as mine then.
Wish me luck!!!
Originally Posted by vickyth
Yes, they came from Clouds. I *adore* Clouds. It is positively unhealthy how often I go to their website.
My Cymbids are actually growing in the basement. I have a south-facing window in the unheated basement. As I live in Newfoundland, near the coast, my humidity levels are relatively high, too, so the Cymbids are happy little campers down there.
The Sanderara is a relative newcomer to my collection, but seems to be happy temperature and humidity-wise amongst the Oncidiums, but I've propped it up closer to the window and the lights. We'll see how it goes.
If you just ordered your Cymbid from Clouds, be prepared for a fair-sized plant! The last one I ordered was large!