I'm not a very frequent fertilizer, but when I do get around to it, a couple of orchids (not always the same ones either) usually rebel. Typically one of my phals will drop its flowers within a day or two, and one or two of my terrestrials (phaius and spathoglottis) will get really bad brown tips on the leaves.
I'm using Jack's liquid fertilizer at the recommended dose, and I water first so I don't burn the roots. The plants are kept very warm and bright with a fan on them.
I'm not familiar with Jack's liquid fert. Is that specific for orchids? What is the ratio? It sounds like it's too strong for orchids.
I believe if you go to First Rays Orchids website there are free informational sheets, one of which is about fertilizer and you can compare the ratios. Sorry I couldn't help more.
For one, you should feed your plants often and regularly, at light doses.
If we're talking "Jack's Classic for Orchids", it's very much like Dyna-Gro "Grow" formula at 7%N, so I would use that at 1.5 teaspoons per gallon, 3 out of 4 waterings, with that 4th being plain water.
Hi Sheila,
Yup, you can't get any better than that....Ray himself answering your questions.
Yes, the water is a big deal. When I order plants from various sellers, they often ask about what type water I have. Rain or distilled water is best.