In a few days I'm going to be repotting three of my orchids. One has a new growth almost growing outside the pot and the other two have some sort of green algae growing on the top. Two I bought mail order and one I bought in the store. None are in flower. I'm currently soaking my new medium in water and I am very excited but also a little scared because I have never repotted an orchid before. I was just wondering if there were any tips that anyone could help me with that maybe you can't really get out of a book? The orchids I'm repotting are:
Brassia Verrucosa: This is the one that I'm most worried about because it is the only orchid that I currenlty have that has roots growing outside of the pot. I have gotten some really good advice from very nice people on the OB so I'm confident, just a little worried. The new growth is growing almost sidewase out of the pot and it is a good inch above the medium. I was told before that this type of orchid is a little difficult to keep level in the pot but I'm hoping to kind of even it with the rest. If I can't then I'll just have to put it back in the best way that I can.
This next one is a Paphiopedilum and it has what appears to be some sort of algae growing on top of the medium. This would be cool if it were a fish tank but, well, it's obviously not. What also concerns me is that the growth on the right has a really bad lean in that direction. When I recieved it in the mail almost all of the potting material on that side was missing. Thank you They were kind enough to fill it with cotton balls. I put new medium in the hole but it is still leaning really bad and I don't think that it should be doing that. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The last one I do not know exactly what it is. Its flowers look like my profile picture but this is the one I bought in a store and It had no tag. It also has algae on top of the medium.
So any tips that you have would be greatly appreciated on any and/or all of the above. I have read a great deal about repotting and I have a few books but it has come to be my experience that the people on this site know a great deal more. Thank you so much in advance and I apoligize that this is so long.