Sounds like the conditions for your phal is just fine ..
Your area with southern exposure sounds great for cattleya - as the love lots of light (even direct light when slowly adapted to it)
One of the most fragrant and easy growers is Iwanagara Apple Blossom - which is a hybrid of Dialaelia Snowflake x Blc.Orange Nugget - they come in yellow and cream colors and they are a medium to large sized cattleya.
Here is a thread on the Apple Blossom and links in this thread to other threads of this Iwanagara -
Iwanagaara Apple Blossom
and for the yellow version -
IWAN Apple Blossom "Little Elf"
Oncidium Sharry Baby is another good choice as Kim suggested - they are chocolate (some say with hints of vanilla) scented

Are you looking for large or small growing orchids?