So it looks like some dummy

, cut the little new spike off.
I don't recall why, hmmmm.

And I don't see any more "nodes" below.

I was hoping to see one last chance here.
But here there is maybe a spike or it might be another leaf.
This must be where the patience part comes in. LOL
My happy little group is in the shower room with

windows facing East and they're loving the steam!
20 C, 70% Humidity
The little guy on the left came from the grocery store
and has sphagnum peat in a tiny 9 cm pot.
I think I may have repotted to overly big 17 cm pots.
I'm thinking of cutting back to 14 cm OD pots?
Also from the "Using Skewars" you see these skinny ones,
even though I've started with Translucent pots from Jardinerie Gamm vert, here in FR.
I imagine that skewars are more accurate than gazing at the side of a translucent pot.
Also, I read that the roots like light, so I'm surprised I don't see anyone else using traslucent pots?
But it's early and I'm overjoyed at all your replies!