I must thin my orchid collection to make room for more. These 6 must go. Take all or none.
As you can see, 3 of the 6 have flat mite damage on the older leaves. New foliage has no damage. (I had a flat mite infestation last year but it has been eradicated.) However, PLEASE sanitize these prior to introducing them into your collection.)
Shipping will be from Huntsville, AL.
# 72b1 - Catt Rlc Nakornchaisri Red
#89 - Catt Rl (B) digbyana
#140 - Ons. Firecat ‘Harmony’
#149c - Catt Blc Larry Nishikawa ‘Volcano Princess’
#R18a & R18a1 - Brass digbyana X self (seedlings)
It is heartbreaking to part company with #89 digbyana. He has been in my care for 4 years and is taking up precious “real estate” on the grow shelves; but REFUSES to thrive.
My care sheets (my struggles) are available if desired.
PM me if you are interested. First come, first served.
Thanks, ROBB