, Good afternoon, members. I purchased a Paphiopedilum a few months ago. It is labeled 'Paphiopedilum Lippewunder,' and the flower has bloomed. It is stunning, even gorgeous, but I don't think it is labeled correctly. Elegant Orchid in Delray Beach, Florida, where I purchased it, had other Paphiopedilum Lippewunders in bloom. My plant does not look like the other Paphiopedilum at all. I'm sending an attachment, with hopes that one of you can identify this Paphiopedilum orchid for me. It has two flower spikes; the second should flower within the week. Waiting for a member to identify this orchid for me. I'll bet that WaterWitchin knows the name of this Paphiopedilum; she has helped me many times through the years: bowing Zelvan