There's a few options.
- Dendrobium moniliforme
- Dendrobium kingianum
- Neofinetia falcata
- Sedirea/Phalaenopsis japonica
- Vanda vietnamica
The first four are pretty tough plants, Dendrobium moniliforme being a lot more cold tolerant than all of them. They don't like the cold, though, and you'll probably want to bring them in once it gets under 50 degrees Fahrenheit regularly, but a little bit of exposure to cooler temps helps with blooming.
The last is one is tough, too, but you'll definitely have to bring inside when it gets under 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit, preferably in a bathroom or kitchen where there's some humidity. You can also put it in a glass vase, as that's a nice way of growing them indoors.
For the first 3-4, just get an inexpensive cultivar or "regular" form and get
one plant. Trust me, if you delve deep enough, you'll end up with more plants than you think.