Questions about temperature, pot size, etc
I took over care of a phaleonopsis maybe close to two years ago. I cut away the dead or rotting roots and put it in a terracotta pot with new phalaeonopsis orchid mix.
About pot size, when browsing the forum I've seen the advice to use a small pot. The terracotta pot I used is probably too big, but it is working. The plant has grown multiple leaves and is now producing a flower spike. I'm wondering about the reason for a smaller pot when it comes to orchids. I know for rooted plants, particular those a higher risk from too much watering, the idea is a large pot will stay wetter longer, and maybe too wet for two long. However, I tend to large pots, and I'm doing well with my snake plants.
About temperature, I have been keeping this orchid outside on the back porch and mostly away from direct sunlight. I was initially bringing the orchid in when temperatures were forecast to drop below 60F, but then I read once when researching that the safe low temperature is 50F. So this winter I've left the orchid out unless the forecast low temperature is below 52 or 53F. The orchid has done well. I should note that in these cases the high for the day is in the 60s or 70s F and the time at the low temp is relatively brief. I would not leave the plant out if the sustained temperature was the low. I could bring the orchid in at lows that are higher, but it is my understanding the temperature swings are partly needed to cause the plant to flower.
Browsing the forum I've seen advice to keep the phalaenopsis warm, and recommended allowed lows of 65 F. Are temperature swings necessary for any reason? What I'm doing seems to be working, but I am always concerned with thinking I know something when I really don't.