Which orchids on these pieces of wood?
Good morning, everyone,
During the Christmas holidays, I went to the mountains and found two pieces of wood in a conifer forest that I really liked. I decided to take them to see if I could grow some orchids on them.
One is a large base of a bifurcated tree, likely very old and carried by the nearby river. The other is a much smaller piece of wood.
I’d like some advice on which orchids to mount on them. For the larger piece, I was thinking of placing two large orchids where the base split into two main trunks. For the smaller piece, I’d go with something more proportionate.
For both, I plan to build stands to support them and set up an irrigation system to mist water directly onto the roots (several times a day if needed) and collect any excess water. They’ll be placed on the window shown in the photo, but I’ll add curtains to prevent direct sunlight. If the light isn’t sufficient for the chosen orchids, I can install grow lights.
The temperatures are about 30/25°C (max/min) in summer during the day with 80/70% humidity, and 21/14.5°C (max/min) in winter with 55/40% humidity (all max/min values are daily variations for day/night).
Thanks so much for your suggestions!