Heartsick over Paph rothschildianums
Hello all,
I have these three Paph rothschildianums that I had in my greenhouse.
The really cold windy days have damaged them horribly. I guess water got between the leaves and rotted the crown. I checked my thermostat (my greenhouse is heated) and it got down to the low 40s in the greenhouse. Far too cold. I am devastated and don’t know what to do to save them. Do I cut off the bad leaves and wait for new growths.
There is a new green leaf coming on the really bad third one. You can see it all the way in the middle. This gives me hope, but I wasn’t sure if I should cut away the brown slimy leaves around it. Kind of smells bad too.
On the 2nd plant, the center rotted leaves appear to have a little bit of green at the base of the leaves (under the folds by the crown). I am tempted to cut from above that point to stop any spread, and to just remove the bad leaves on the third one.
I also have liquid copper, if that will be helpful.