Welcome to OB! I have wiener dogs too!
I bought a tiny C. Chocolate Drop 'Volcano Queen' last summer when I was in Hawaii. Brought it home in my carry on!

Anyway, it was in a 2" pot when I bought it. By March it's roots were rambling up and over the sides of the pot. Some 8" or longer! I repotted into a 5" pot in early April. The new growth has matured and low and behold there is a sheath inside!

I really think the secret to my success with this one was lots of light and regular feeding. I'm using Greencare MSU formula that you can buy online. I water every week with 125ppm Nitrogen. Bloom booster has actually been proven to do nothing to promote blooming. Too much Nitrogen can prevent plants from blooming so you have to find the right balance. My plant sits right in front of a southwest facing bay window with blinds and I also have T5 grow lights to supplement.
If the sheath continues to develop then this will be this little baby's first bloom. It only has about 3 good sized growths on it, so they will apparently bloom pretty young. I'll be sure to post

when it does bloom.