New dendrobium nobile please help with what to do
Hi there I bought this plant yesterday as I loved the look of it,
I have looked on YouTube for plant care videos and am confused
It seems much more difficult than my normal orchid I have.
I have sat it on my windowsill which is east facing were my other
Orchid does very well.
From what I have seen online the new growth at the front with 2 leaves on will not grow anymore as they stop growing each seperate stem in one season before the winter so I assume this grew last year is this right , or should I treat it as if its still actively growing and water more even though it's winter ? It also has a small new growth in the potting medium do leave that untill spring to try and grow further ? My other orchid is in bark in a clear pot this is in a dry soil in a white plastic pot is that okay for this type of orchid or should I repot it in the spring.
I'm sorry for all the questions but it's very different to my other orchid and I want to ensure I keep it happy.