Hi, I am a beginner with orchids and have spent days researching and learning what to do with this one.
I was given this orchid and after a couple of weeks it lost its purple blooms, the spike has turned pinky purple and it has lost 2 leaves. It is in a bright room, away from the radiator.
I cut the spike just above the first unopened node incase it might bloom again (but I doubt it) but the middle leaves have continued to yellow. I am assuming it is dealing with the stress of a new environment but thought I would check the roots just incase.
I removed a sponge plug that was around the stem, cut off some squishy roots and soaked the roots for 10 mins in some diluted orchid food.
I have put it back in the same 13cm pot with the same media it came with but added some more ventilation holes and positioned it above a dish of water for humidity.
Am I right in thinking the orchid is just adjusting or stressed?
Also I was wondering if that was a second spike or an ariel root that was cut off before I had it?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
