Can’t get phalaenopsis to spike in Cajun Country(Louisiana)
Fairly new orchid enthusiast here. I have 2 phalaenopsis that are grown indoors on the windowsill of my bathroom. I was able to get one to finally spike after 2 years by putting it in an office in my home with no windows and kept the lights off and didn’t water it for about 2 weeks. I have since moved so I no longer have that room available. I’m trying to get another one to spike and I put it in the top of the closet with no lights and didn’t water it for about two weeks but that has failed to make it spike. How can I get the temperature to drop to induce spiking when I live in a state that’s so humid all the time and I’m growing them indoors? I usually water them about every five days
In order to reliably induce blooming in the majority of phalaenopsis hybrids, they need to be exposed to about 10-14 days of an average growing temperature that is about 10-15 degrees cooler than the average temperature at which they had been growing.
With light and water might induce spiking, it only because they “fear” for their survival when treated that way, and are trying to extend their genetics.
Or try giving more hours of light (a full spectrum LED lamp, 12 hours a day, to supplement what comes in the window) It doesn't want much light intensity, but it may not be getting sufficient duration.