Originally Posted by rbarata
Sorry to partially disagree, Kitty but that is not 100% applicable to all Phals. I have one that keeps old spikes green for at least 3 years and it blooms from anywhere in the spike. For sure is to not cut them...who knows what might happen?
I'd really like to see one that rebloomed from an individual bud node as i've never even remotely heard of that.
I never said cut it all of, but there are parts that will, in like at least 99% of cases, never rebloom (you'll see the little flatish surface where the flower once attached).
One additional point is to consider HOW you want your orchids bloom. I left the spike (all of it) on some, and a few did rebloom at the tip, but it was spindly, the flowers were quite smaller on average and it just didn't look good. But that's just my opinion, at least.