hello all,
i am trying to figure out how to setup an additional mister and i am stumped on what to do.
just a little background, i live in Bermuda which tends to be between 60 and 90% humidity. my "greenhouse" is made of 2 x 4's and fabric shade cloth. i lined the inside with a clear plastic to try to retain humidity but for some reason for most of the day the humidity is between 45 and 60%.
i currently have a
misting setup that runs for 8 minutes early morning and then 3 times a day it runs for 1 minute just to assist with humitidy.
a few of the mounted plants and the vanda are ususally bone dry within a couple of hours.
my thought was to set up an additional mister just on the mentioned plants to go off every 2 or 3 hours.
would this be ok? or does anyone have any solutions to retain humidity. i have a fan going at all times which probably doesnt help the humidity but definitely helps avoid fungal issues.

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