Originally Posted by Cruetsonly
My paphs are in shredded coconut fibers or bark. Their roots are chocolate brown and firm. They are growing quite nicely. The water, when it drains out the bottom, is also brownish. I agree that the media may be the source of the color of the roots. A firm root is a good root. When a root is dead, it is mushy.
Not all orchids have the same coloration. Paphs typically have a white growing section on the end and a brown (hopefully hairy) back section. Phals and Angraecoids, on the other hand, have a distinct white appearance with a green or reddish growing tip. Phals and, to some degree, Angraecoids, may also photosynthise, thus will appear green part of the time (especially after watering) turning back to white. I have yet to have any of mine absorb tannins or coloration from the fir bark mixes I use, but I don't doubt that could happen. I have had Brassavola and Angraecoids with normally green root tips have the root tips turn reddish with exposure to sun, however. This is with mounts where the roots hang exposed to the air.