I recently recieved my brassia in the mail yesterday and since I am very new to growing orchids I would sincerely appreciate some advice...
Here she is in all her glory (I think that she has flowered before because it appears to be a cut off stem coming out of it)...
I read up a great deal on this orchid before it arrived (as much info as I could find anyway) and I still have a few questions. Now I know that it is common for some of the roots to be growing out of the plant, but how many should be? Is this too many? I read somewhere that the roots growing out should be about six inches long. Also that if they are white that this means that they are healthy. Is this correct? As you can see on this next several picture that the roots are coming out everywhere, even growing out the bottom of the pot.
There is what appears to be a new growth (best shown in second and third picture down), the majority of the new roots seem to be going outside of the pot. Only a few are going straight down into the potting material and they're not even in it yet.
So my questions are these: Are the roots okay? If/when should I cut them back? Should I repot this plant? Is the new growth going to do its own thing or do I need to help it? On the very last picture, on the growth on the right-hand-side where all the roots are coming out, it's not level with the potting material. It's about an inch above it. Is this a problem?
Thank you very much for any advice that you could give. Someone with specific knowledge of this orchid would be greatly appreciated. Sorry about all the questions. I caught the "orchid bug" recently and I want them all to do well. Thank you again.