Originally Posted by Kittyfrex
Is the process similar to plating in agar?
Not at all. It's a non-sterile method that mimics nature. In a nutshell, you prepare a substrate suitable for the species you're sowing, and incorporate cardboard which has been soaked in rainwater for a week or 2. This can either be as strips woven through the substrate or you can make mush in a blender and mix it in. Then you sow your seed and mimic nature as closely as possible. I do my sowing in the fall and leave the containers outside until a hard freeze is forecast, then bring them into an unheated basement. But the life cycle of your intended species would determine all that. I do incorporate some soil from the root zones of several wild colonies of different species near my home. I usually get a few seedlings from one of those species as "weeds" in containers of other species.