The cymbidium I had in the miracle gro mix died of root rot even though I was careful to not over water. I put it outside for the summer and it just got too wet, I guess.
I posted earlier in this thread saying that I liked better gro phal mix and another walmart brand. Those are still ok, but if you buy it from a big box store, I found that better-gro special mix is best (lowe's).
But I recently graduated to higher grade mix (Medium Fir Bark Mix with Diatomite: MIXMFD, Paph & Phrag Fir Bark Mix MIXPP and Medium Coconut Husk Mix MIXMC), which I bought from Quarter Acre orchids ( I love this stuff, and this is a reputable store. I met the owner at an orchid show, and have bought from her eversince. It's more expensive, but he quality is superb.
Get rid of that stuff or you'll regret it. Get some better mix, it'll pay off in the end.
Good luck.