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Old 05-11-2024, 07:18 PM
cherrypuff cherrypuff is offline
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Help! Orchid Going Downhill Male
Default Help! Orchid Going Downhill

Hi all! My grocery store phalaenopsis has been going downhill since I bought it.

Today, I went out to buy another orchid (Orchid 2) to add to my collection, and couldn't help but notice how firm its leaves were, compared to the one I bought a week ago (Orchid 1).

Here are pictures of the phal I bought today (Orchid 2):

Orchid 2 - Album on Imgur
Orchid 2 (Leaves) - Album on Imgur

Versus the one I bought last week (Orchid 1):

Orchid 1 - Album on Imgur
Orchid 1 (Leaves) - Album on Imgur

I'm not sure why the leaves on Orchid 1 have become so limp and droopy and dark. They definitely weren't like this when I bought it last week...

Here are the conditions in which I grew Orchid 1:

Light Source: SANSI 32W LED grow bulb
PPFD: 285 umol/s/m2
Photoperiod: 18 hours
DLI: 18.48 mol
Temperature: 85° F (29.4° C) days; 70° F (21.1° C) nights
Humidity: 40-50%

What could be the cause of this? I haven't repotted Orchid 1 since it's still in bloom and the root system looks very healthy. I've also added a bit of sphagnum moss to cover the top roots, and waited until the roots looked silvery before watering it with bottled water. I let it drain completely before putting it back in its decorative pot.

I really love this orchid, and don't want things to continue going downhill from here. Thank you!

Last edited by cherrypuff; 05-11-2024 at 09:06 PM..
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Old 05-11-2024, 08:44 PM
rbarata rbarata is offline
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Help! Orchid Going Downhill Male

I see you are growing under lights but there are a few things to consider. Light source location, it it's not right above it, the orchid will lean towards it.

Although I don't know nothing about growing under lights, something is telling me you're giving it too much light and too high temps, especially the min temp (something around 16ºC would be best).
Phalaenopis are low light plants so 18 hrs of light together with those high temps and the fact that you water it when it's dry (that is my conclusion based on your description) makes me cloclude that maybe you're not watering enough.
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Old 05-11-2024, 10:59 PM
cherrypuff cherrypuff is offline
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Help! Orchid Going Downhill Male

Ah I see! Thank you for your reply.

The SANSI LED grow bulb is right above the orchid. Would you recommend that I try to water the orchid more, or should I try to lower the temperature/amount of light?
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Old 05-12-2024, 12:24 AM
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Help! Orchid Going Downhill Male

What is the medium underneath in the Orchid 1 pot? How are you watering? How often? It looks underwatered to me. Watering frequency will depend on the medium.

Different orchids have very different light requirements. Phals. are shade plants. 1,000 foot candles of natural light is optimal for them. Natural and LED light are difficult to compare but over time here on OB I've seen many beginners give Phals. too much light and almost nobody giving too little light.

18 hours is too long for the great majority of orchids. Most epiphytes come from near the equator. 12 hours in summer and 10 in winter is enough. More may inhibit flowering.

Read some of a sticky thread here. From the left yellow menu select Forums then Beginners. Near the top find the sticky thread The Phal. abuse stops here.

You are growing at higher temperatures than many people grow Phals. in homes. That is good for them; they do better in warm to hot temperatures like you are giving. But if the medium has plenty of air spaces they need more frequent watering at higher temperatures.
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Old 05-12-2024, 02:00 AM
cherrypuff cherrypuff is offline
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Help! Orchid Going Downhill Male

Hi, and thank you for your help!

Orchid 1 and Orchid 2 are both potted in a mix of 50% bark and 50% sphagnum moss. They’ve been in this medium since I’ve bought them.

When I bought Orchid 1 last week, its leaves were very firm and perky. And its root system was very moist and green. I’ve waited until today to water it, when its roots started to become silvery. I don’t think I’ve underwatered Orchid 1—the middle of the medium still seemed a bit moist when I watered it today. I water by soaking the entire pot for 30 minutes and then drain it completely.
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