I suspect you're not watering enough. Growing smaller leaves is a classic sign of that.
It also depends on your temperatures and humidity. I have most of mine in semi-hydroponics, so there's always water at the bottom of the pot.
I bought three new ones in bud at our recent show. They originated from Lehua Orchids, who grow in medium or large bark with near daily heavy watering. I'm keeping them in my low-humidity house. I water them by soaking them in a deep bowl of water, with the level up to the top of the bark, for several hours every 2-3 days. Lightly watering these isn't the way to go. I might have lost some buds if I'd watered less.
Edited after reading Roberta's reply - I'm leaving them in their current medium, which I don't think is best in my conditions, because the buds are about to open. As soon as they're finished flowering I'll move them to semi-hydroponics with the rest of my Paphs.
Last edited by estación seca; 04-10-2024 at 06:14 PM..