Your humidity seems pretty high for them to dry so fast so I imagine they are in baskets or clay pots, which dry faster, and you probably use chunkier bark. It's alright. I would follow Roberta's recommendation, I do the same.
For plants that I need to keep damp for longer I use plastic pots. If I "over pot" a plant, then I will use chunkier material. For some of my cattleyas that dry out too quickly, I place them in a basket inside of a plastic pot. This is because I know I won't be able to water them any sooner, so the plastic pot acts as a bit of a green house. I think you can achieve perfect potting with just bark and perlite, I don't even use sphagnum anymore, I just play with different sizes of bark. But if I know I can't keep up with watering, or control conditions, I will add a layer of sphagnum to the top of the pot. I do that with Phalaenopsis potted in chunky bark and with Zygos that I noticed were drying too quickly even in small bark, they all responded positively.
You'll see how the combination of different medium size and pot material will result in different drying times. It's trial and error, luckily orchids are resilient and can resist that trial and error.
Finally, keep in mind that new bark will retain much less water than older bark. In my experience it takes several months to "break" good quality bark. You shouldn't repot when that happens, as the bark will probably be good for many years to come, but you will see how your watering times get extended as the bark gets more used.