That is easily explained. When you water from a faucet or a device there is typically far less bacteria (standing water is bacteria ridden, most people know this, think a pond versus a river). Also when you 'dunk' a plant, the water enters the medium of the pot and then washes over the plant second, as opposed to spraying water which hits the top first and then sinks, decreasing the risk of pathogen exposure - there are often also different environmental conditions which impacts this. I also do not worry about crown water when conditions are ideal or really good, and when I use good water. This is why rain water is not a problem. But if you poor bath water onto your orchids, wait for it, you will get rot.
But I will do what you did and offer an anecdote, I just watered my paphs today after 10 days of not watering. They were bone dry for several days and doing just fine and in low humidity. So I guess we all have our story.
Last edited by jldriessnack; 03-20-2024 at 09:26 PM..