So... I know this is one year later... but I am so happy to report that I now have 3 Phals that are growing spikes! Yes, two of them suffered crown loss due to bacterial infection (already treated it) during the rainy season, but the remaining leaves are healthy and somehow they are growing flower spikes regardless (one of them is even branching!) . I believe after blooming they might go on to produce basal growths to form a new crown. Time will tell! I also have a mini phal that is very healthy and there is a tiny green bump appearing between the second and the third leaves down from the crown.
I reduced the fertilizer by a lot, following Ray's advice. It seems too much nitrogen was indeed an issue, inhibiting the ability to bloom. Temperatures here aren't falling below 24C, and yet they are willing to bloom.
Now I'm tempted to 'accidentally' bring home more rescue Phals.