So it looks like my grocery store has gotten in some phals.
Unless I miss my guess the bottom row is natural colors and the entire top row (blues, purple, orange) is a dye job on a white orchid?
I was gifted a blue one by a friend of my husband, the friend is also a plant-person but his experience is in XL/corporate landscaping. He excitedly proclaimed, “I’ve never seen one this color before!” and all I could do is smile and agree. Haha
As a gift, it was fun. Unless it happens to be especially pretty, I’ll probably regift the plant after it’s buds open and I confirm it is another white phal.
When my kids lived at home, dyed Phals made great 'Thank you' gifts for people who did nice things for the kids. I bought quite a few of them. They look really nice. Surprisingly, many people loved that they bloomed white the next time.
I'm so old I remember dyed chicks being sold at Easter time. They injected dye into fertilized hen's eggs. The chicks were born in various colors. They grew out of it after a couple of weeks.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I bought a blue one years ago, just to see. Turned into a lovely white phal. I love those big white phals. All I an say is most of them will end up dead because people who are gifted them are clueless. Whose fault is that? People treat them like cut flowers. Whose fault is that? Not mine.