Bc. Theresa Ricci with Pale Flower. Issue?
Hi all!
My Bc. Theresa Ricci opened 2 days ago. First time blooming. Attached is a pic I took tonight.
The flower has a wonderful scent and seems to have a nice size, but the flower seems very pale for a Theresa Ricci. Is this common or an issue?
And, yes, the thought has crossed my mind that this is mislabeled.
Really I’m just worried if my teenaged Theresa is doing okay.
First image is tonight. Second is first day it had opened.
Thank you for any help or suggestions.
Edit: I added the images. This may help ID the plant, too. to see if it's mislabeled.
Again, to all, thank you.
Last edited by c123anderson; 01-19-2024 at 01:57 PM..