Hey everyone my Cattleya cernua is about to flower and at work we have a Laelia anceps also about to flower. I want to try crossing them in the hopes of getting an anceps with smaller flowers that could be naturally pollinated by hummingbirds here + a more guaranteed hardiness (anceps is more tested) but I have never pollinated orchids before. Anyone know a good guide on this?
I believe they should be crossable because on Orchidroots there is at least one variety that is this hybrid:
Laeliocattleya Maraca, A.E.Lamb 2020
Laeliocattleya Maraca
Also I'm in north FL zone 9b now and am wondering if this is a normal time for Cattleya cernua to flower lol I don't fert my orchids or anything as I outdoor grow them so I wasn't trying to trigger it