Originally Posted by Ray
1) Learn the tricks: sneak plants in when your spouse isn't around.
2) I hate to burst your bubble, but the ludisia is hardly rare. Lay it down in some fluffy , damp sphagnum and you'll have a whole colony in no time.
3) You are talking about 3 plants with entirely different needs: The ludisia is a shade lover, the vanilla likes it brighter, and the reed-stemmed epidendrum likes a lot of light. At least they all like to be warm!
1.) *snort* Not a bad idea..
2.) Oh, that's their text from the link, I just was being lazy and didn't go back and edit it.. I just think it's pretty, don't much care whether it's rare or grows in blankets around the corner.
(though if it's in blankets around the corner I'd likely leave it there since I can enjoy it there..
3.) The nice thing about my space is that I can work easily with all three needs.
I'm doing my homework on the two new ones still for details, but.. My house does a huge range of sun options (from huge southern exposure, to filtered eastern, to western heavily filtered. I think that I'll be okay on that front.. And given that I am growing everything from tropicals that need daily mistings, to succulents that want to dry out nearly completely before they're watered again, I don't mind working with a variety of plant needs.
thanks for your help though.