Hello Yvan, Yehhh! your Mini Mark Holmes looks great. I think we got them about the same time. My first one didn't servive sitting in the mailbox 3 days and nights so they sent me another. It is doing well. I have another Phal doin the spike thing its Phal. Tai Lin Angel x Dtps. Taisuco Ball check out the
Good Morning Yvan, Wow how cute he is. Mine is coming along with several buds one not quite ready to open. Maybe next week I will have a bud open.
All my 'chids' are doing well in the s/h medium and in the Orchidarium. The growth is unbelievable
Mine is in bud too though it's a few weeks away from blooming. I had to do an emergency repot as soon as I got it. So far it doesn't appear to have affected the buds at all.
That's a spike! How wonderful. And in front of the spike is a nice new root. Signs of a very happy plant.
My own P. Mini Mark 'Holm' is spiked, and has, so far, three nice buds on it. It's a lovely flower, and one I know you will enjoy! You'll soon see why this is such a popular orchid.