Hi everybody
There is always SO much confusion about orchids and which ones get a "winter rest"...even those of us with extensive collections and LOTS of research find it a daunting question so...
I decided to list here which orchids in my collection I put on the side and treat differently from Halloween through Valentine's Day. I use those holidays as a general guide...if I see lots of action in late January, I do sometimes bring them out of their rest earlier. As with everything orchids...there is no one exact set of rules...pay attention to
your plants and they will tell you what they need
I've started moving my winter rest chids to their own rack, away from the other racks in the room to avoid any overspray. They are still getting misted at the moment but it is a much lighter
misting...and it will stop at or around Halloween. After that, the rack will get a very general light
misting once every two weeks or so until early February:
Den nobile var kingianum
Den aggregatum
Den lindleyi (aka aggregatum

Den smilleae
Den farmeri x griffithianum
Den kingianum
Den Little Sweet Scent
Den amethystoglossum
Den moschatum
Den dantaniense
Den pierardii
Den aphyllum
Den anosmum
Den senile
Dendrochilum filiforme (slight rest)
Ctsm Rebecca Northen
(mine is now gone
but she did get a severe winter rest when I had her)
Ctsm pileatum
Galeandra batemannii x greenwoodiana
(still in bloom now but will be moved to the "rest" shelf once that's done)
Barkeria scandens
Barkeria Marsh Melton (slight rest...first year with this one and only one parent likes an actual rest

Stan lietzii (slight rest)
*after reading through our Neo forum, I realized these two go too:
Neo falcata
Neo Falcata 'Benisuzume'
I'm sure I've missed a few and will amend my list here as I find them.
If each of us gives our individual list here, I think it will help the many people who are just starting out or aren't sure about what they should do. I'm making this thread a "sticky" till the end of November.
Now it's your turn...what plants do you personally treat differently during the winter months?


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