Agh! I don't know what happened! It was all going so well.
I killed one of these already.
This one took a long time to acclimate but was going gangbusters over the summer. I brought it inside and now!
While it was still outside it did see temps into the mid 50s, but I don't think it was overly wet. But I don't know.
This opaque area at the base of this leaf is what I'm worried about the most and has been spreading over the last few days and has crossed the spine. It's still firm. I hit it with a fungicide (Infuse/Propiconazole) and then the next day some Physan. Should I cut it off to prevent it (hopefully from) spreading into the pseudobulb?
The yellow and brown and now a new spot are at least heading from the top down on this leaf.
This was an original leaf, the defect is old, the yellow and brown are new.