I’ve only grown phals so am a newbie to these orchids types. Got them this weekend at a driveway giveaway.
Parents in poor condition so I repotted them but in the process a dendrobium keiki broke off. Honestly not sure where the sarco keiki was attached. A root?? I was squeezing the sides of the parent pot to loosen it and saw a tiny leaf poking out down along the side of the pot nowhere near the parent or other plantlets on top. When I finally got the parent out, poor thing was just lying there by itself.
They’re so tiny (about the size of a penny) I assume chances of survival are very slim, but can’t bring myself to throw them out. I’ve put them on sphagnum (my first time ever using this) in shot glasses

Should I leave them open to air or cover with Saran Wrap and poke holes in it to try to create a mini greenhouse? Is sphagnum even ok to use for now? Ive read sarco is a lithophyte and the dendrobium can be as well but wasn’t sure to use bark/rocks yet given their size. Will keep them out of direct sun. I keep reading that orchids try to survive and would like to give these keikis their best chance esp since the parents arent too healthy and im just learning how to care for these orchid types I’m sure I’ll make mistakes along the way I could end up sending everything to the grave. Tyvm for ur help!