Food grade hydrogen peroxide
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Food grade hydrogen peroxide
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Old 08-03-2023, 04:14 PM
MateoinLosAngeles MateoinLosAngeles is offline
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Default Food grade hydrogen peroxide

I stopped using hydrogen peroxide a long time ago after destroying many plants’ roots and realizing it did more harm than good. But it is helpful to control the spread of rots and bacterial infections on leaves and pseudobulbs.

There is a product called ZeroTol that is formulated for plants, containing Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid. However, it costs upwards of $200, which seems like an extravagant expense for the home-grower, and more importantly, it’s money that could be used to buy more plants!

I recently came across this food grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3% that claims to be food grade and “stabilizer free”
US+ Food Grade 3% Hydrogen Peroxide - Versatile All-Natural Cleaner - Made in USA - 1 Gallon (128 Fl Oz)

It’s been shared on this forum that the issue with Hydrogen Peroxide is mostly about the stabilizers used. However, I don’t know how a Hydrogen Peroxide solution can be “stabilizer free,” I’m not a chemist but I would assume that if stabilizers are used is because they are necessary to keep the solution stable without degrading for the shelf life of the product.

Could a product like the above be an economical alternative to ZeroTol that could also be used on Orchid roots when necessary. Or is the “stabilizer free” labeling misleading and can contain a number of different substances that could still harm orchid roots? Thoughts?
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Old 08-03-2023, 05:12 PM
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Food grade hydrogen peroxide Female

I have been growing orchids for a lot of years, and never used a drop of H2O2 in any form on them. If there is a rotten-looking root, washing well under running water, then repotting in a more open mix so that it can dry has done the job. Maybe there are situations where it is useful, I haven't found any yet under my conditions.
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Old 08-03-2023, 06:42 PM
Clawhammer Clawhammer is offline
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Food grade hydrogen peroxide

H202 is good to have around if you cut your finger on something in your grow room.
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Old 08-03-2023, 10:02 PM
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Food grade hydrogen peroxide Male

You shouldn't be having any problems with rots nor infections in the conditions you've described in the past. The only infectious problem that might be helped with peroxide would be crown rot in a Phal, and a drop or two is all it takes. Crown rot is much more common when temperatures are lower than ideal for Phals. Erwinia bacterial infection occurs when it is very warm and extremely humid. I would look more closely at whether something else is actually going on.

Peroxyacetic acid is an incredibly strong oxidizing agent that could burn holes through your table. I can't think of any circumstances in which I would use it.
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Old 08-03-2023, 10:37 PM
Dimples Dimples is offline
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Food grade hydrogen peroxide

The issue with regular H2O2 is that it lacks stabilizers, so the whole reaction takes place immediately and it’s too aggressive. The products formulated for plants have a slower reaction time and it’s a much gentler process. Food grade just means it’s food grade vs some other grade.
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Old 08-04-2023, 08:19 AM
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Food grade hydrogen peroxide Male

Having had some contact with the manufacture of hydrogen peroxide, all of it needs some sort of stabilizer or it with quickly revert back to water and free oxygen in the air. That Amazon product linked say “free of toxic stabilizers and additives”, not that is is free of them altogether.

Household peroxide is stabilized with stannous chloride. Zero-tol (and other products made by BioSafe Systems) are stabilized with peroxyacetic acid. Both are extremely small additions, but in the latter case, the acid slows the decomposition reaction, allowing the peroxide to be chemically active until it dries.

ES - acetic acid is highly corrosive as well, but diluted and mixed with a little olive oil, it makes a good salad dressing.

I used Zero-Tol for years in my greenhouse and never saw any damage. I still have some from a 2-gallon jug I bought a couple of decades ago, and it’s still active. Straight from the jug it’s about 20% peroxide and will “burn” skin, but diluted for use, it’s only about 0.8%, if I remember correctly.

Mateo - they used to sell quart spray bottles of pre-diluted, ready-to-use stuff under a different trade name, it I believe they, have ceased doing so, so a 2-gallon lifetime supply is their only option.
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Last edited by Ray; 08-04-2023 at 08:22 AM..
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