Thank you so much for your answer! This is what I came up with, hopefully it looks ok? Or anything I could've done better? (The "pot" has drainage holes and i have only sprayed the moss)
Originally Posted by estación seca
It's not getting enough water. Very large bark like that isn't good for very small plants because it doesn't retain much water. Can you get sphagnum moss? Or small to fine bark?
If you use sphagnum moss you could put that into the smallest pot you can find. Get the moss damp but not soaking wet - wring it out with your hand. Then wrap the moss tightly and wedge it into the pot. Water when the top is crisp but only run water over the top for a second, so you moisten it, not soak it.
In fine small bark you could water like larger plants, but take care they don't dry for long.