Phal Surprise - What to do now?
A month ago a friend gave me a Phal at the end of the blooming cycle. I repotted it and snipped off the flower spikes (2) at about 8 inches of length thinking it would promote growth of new flower stems. It is now one month later and there are already new growths on the spikes. I originally thought they were new flower stems but now I see that they are new plants. I have no idea what to do with these new growths. See attached photo. I need advice as to what to do now?
It is three months+ and there is a new development. One of the keikes is sprouting a non-leaf growth that I originally thought was a long awaited root. But now it has a look more like a flower spike. Is that possible? see new image.
Last edited by labyrinth1959; 11-11-2023 at 10:43 PM..
Reason: New development