I have an OrchidBox, and I've been growing Tristella hoeijeri, Pleurothallis ornata, and Platystele ovatilabia in there.
All three have been doing well, with the Platystele being super happy with lots of roots flushing out and tons of new growths. The Tristella seems to be doing the least well, but doesn't show any issues. None have flowered yet though!
I'm wondering what might grow super well in here. Obviously, not much of any airflow (mold/fungus is occasionally a problem), but does have a built-in LED light with adjustable brightness that can get to be very intense, and obviously the setup maintains humidity super well. And the box is really quite tiny.
So im looking for something small to tiny that loves humidity and little-to-no airflow.
Funny enough, I remember folks saying Dendrophylax lindenii loves stagnant air, which might be fun to try, no idea where to get one these days though.
Open to any suggestions! Just want something that will really take off in there