Okay, so I have been avoiding asking this question because it requires admitting that I was sort of having a DUH moment when I bought my new phal (only phal lol)... I looked closely at all the roots of all the plants, I looked at all the flowers (I wanted a pretty one after all..

) and I sort of generically saw the leaves..
I realized about 1/2 way home that the top leaf on my orchid is rather, uhmm.. split in half 3/4 of the way down (you can see it in the pic below). It was clearly split when I bought it (it was healed over on the edges, not raw at all), so it wasn't a new wound under my care..
It's a great healthy plant otherwise so far, the green is lovely and consistent, I've been
misting it daily, it's sitting in my front window which has been sort of misty sun the last few days (I'll move it in away from the direct hot sun as summer builds up so it's not right in the window, but.. It's been sort of gray by us the last few days, so rather than moving it further into the room where it will get less light with this weather, I moved them forward). I changed out the sphagnum moss for some mediumish bark, and the roots looked okay, I trimmed some withered and floppy bits, but nothing looked really ugly... So I don't think it's a huge deal, but..
Should I cut that leaf off, or as long as I don't mind the minor aesthetic flaw (which I don't), not worry about it and let the leaf do it's happy chlorophyll thing?


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