I did not see that your temperatures are warmer in the summer so I was going to recommend Zygopetalum. These do well with air conditioning and often bloom multiple times a year and are fragrant. As you have warmer summer temperatures, you might want to look for smaller fragrant Cattleyas. I just bought Blc. Roberts Choice. It will be fragrant, will not get too large and will bloom twice a year. Potinara Burana Beauty and Hawaiian Prominence 'America' will usually bloom more often and, again, they are fragrant and smaller Cattleyas.
Phalaenopsis violacea, Phalaenopsis Samera and Phalaenopsis bellina are fragrant and sequential bloomers.
Haraella odorata is a miniature orchid that blooms all the time. It is difficult, sometimes, to find a fragrant one but, if you do, the flowers have a lemony fragrance (or lemon furniture polish). This one is usually mounted and needs to be dipped in water daily.
I decorate in green!
Last edited by Leafmite; 04-02-2023 at 09:56 PM..