Anyone know what’s going on with Peruflora?
I reached out to Peruflora earlier this month (well last month, early March) about placing another order from them for shipment from Redlands and they got back to me with their availability list. Since then I’ve tried to email them several times about placing that order and every time the email was sent back to me with a failure notice and was unable to be delivered. I tried both their main email address and a second one I used to request the list previously, but nothing is getting through.
Does anyone know what’s going on? Is it just a technical hiccup or did they go out of business? It sounded like they were planning on accepting order for delivery from Redlands in May, so they sure didn’t make it seem like they would go MIA. I was quite happy with the plants I’ve ordered from them in the past and I had several things I was really looking forward to getting from them so now I’m sad.
If anyone has any info or alternate means of contact, please share it here! I’d be bummed to lose another good orchid supplier.
Cheers, Jen